Smoking- Are you liable to die young?

As a doctor, it is hard for me to share my experience with smoking. It is a bit frightening to see the increase in the number of patients having lung diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, and even more conditions. These diseases are the terrible effects of smoking.
It is painful when I see people arguing with professionals that there is no harm in taking only one cigarette a day.
Many people think that cigarettes only affect our lungs and don’t want to listen to anything else. Let me make it clear, the smoke from a cigarette affects your body from head to toe. These smoking-related diseases are the cause of many deaths.
To raise awareness against smoking and its side effects, I find it essential to share my knowledge with the world. I hope that this information will make many people aware of the danger in smoking and lead them to quit smoking.
In medical terms, the act of exhaling and inhaling the smoke of plant material is known as smoking. There is a variety of plant material that is used in smoking. These materials also include hashish and marijuana (made from the resins of the cannabis plant). Smoking is mainly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigar, pipe, or cigarette.
Interestingly, there is what is called secondary smoking, which is the act of inhaling and exhaling smoke by being around smokers. Over a long period of such exposure this can even be harmful, so imagine what effect it has on the person primarily involved.
Smoking is counted as one of the hardest habits to control. Tobacco contains nicotine which is an addictive material. Our body and mind quickly get into the habit of cigarette’s nicotine like it does with heroin or other addictive drugs. As time passes, a person becomes so dependent that he can’t feel normal without it.
According to WHO, 6 million adults, and overall, 8 million people die as a result of smoking-related diseases every year. In spite of this alarming state, people are not ready to reduce their consumption. Smokers are experienced in glossing the terrifying statistics of smoking, but they don’t admit that it can take someone’s life.
I’ve also observed that continuously guiding a patient about smoking effects can affect the relationship between doctors and patients. Doctors often have to cut the approach, but this depends on the type of patient. It is supposed that only 2% of smoking patients are quitting smoking due to the doctor’s advice.
There are different reasons for a person who starts smoking.
- Adults usually start after seeing their parents or friends.
- Some people think it is refreshing to have a cigarette in their hand.
- Some start it because they think of it as a way of tension relief.
These are a few among many other reasons why people smoke, and after a while, the person becomes addicted to it.
Types of smokers
Tobacco kills people. There is a diversity in the forms of tobacco and some people falsely think that some kinds of smoking is safe. Let me make it clear, tobacco is not safe in any form. Do you know that e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco? But it is still classified as a tobacco product by the FDA.
Here are some cigarette types that are common these days:
- Light and low tar cigarette
According to smokers, “light” and “low tar,” cigarettes have a low level of health risks. However, research shows that these “light” and “low tar” cigarettes are the cause of severe health effects.
- Hand rolled cigarettes
Hand-rolled cigarettes have no fewer side effects than others. However, it has been observed that long term smokers of hand-roll cigarettes have a higher risk of developing cancers in the esophagus, pharynx, mouth, and larynx(or voice box).
- Methanol Cigarette
Methanol cigarettes, as compared to unflavored cigarettes, are not less but equally harmful. However, they can be more hazardous. The methanol in them produces a cooling sensation. People hold it longer in their throat, and it can be more dangerous.
- Cigar
Many people think of cigars as more stylish, sophisticated, and less dangerous than cigarette smoking. But the fact is the tobacco in one large cigar is equal to the tobacco in the whole pack of other types of cigarettes. The cigar is made up of fermented tobacco which makes it have a different smell and taste.
Many components in cigarettes are poisonous and can kill the user when taken in large quantities, such as cyanide and nicotine. When a person first tries tobacco, he/she feels a burning sensation in the lungs and throat, but after some time, it becomes normal for him/her.
Overtime, smoking can lead to health issues like:
- Stroke
- Lung damage
- Heart diseases
- Cancer of the throat, bladder, stomach, and lungs.
Other commons problems in smokers include
- Yellow teeth
- Eye diseases
- Infection risk increases
- Wrinkled skin
- Ulcers
- Weak bones
- increases the risk of diabetes
- Gum disease, etc
The sexual health of men and women can be affected by smoking. Smoking can make it difficult for a female to achieve pregnancy.
Also, teen smokers face some unique problems such as:
- Bad breath
When a person uses tobacco for a long time, he develops a condition known as halitosis or generally called bad breath.
- Smelly hair and clothes
When a person smokes, the smell of the smoke lasts, not only in their mouth but also on their clothes, hair, and even the surrounding environment.
- Weakness
A smoker can never be compared with a non-smoker in physical energy. A smoker has a faster heartbeat, is more prone to shortness of breath, decreased circulation, and many other shortcomings as compared to non-smokers.
- Slower healing
Collagen is an important product by the body which helps in blood clotting and wound healing. The collagen making ability of the body is affected by smoking. Any damage to ligaments and tendons will heal more slowly as compared to non-smokers.
- Increased susceptibility to diseases
According to research, smokers get sicker when they get flu, bronchitis, colds, pneumonia, and allergens compared to non-smokers. People having asthma also get more sick if they also smoke.
Every type of smoking is harmful, regardless of the form. When you smoke, you are not only bringing harm to yourself, but also the environment (your surroundings). You are also harming your loved ones unknowingly, because as explained earlier, when you smoke, your child or friend or anyone around can be a victim of passive or secondary smoking, which is even more harmful than active smoking.
I admit, smoking, like every other addictive practice is a difficult habit to get rid of, but with help and will power, you can overcome it. You can see a doctor on the flexicare health insurance plan if you cannot handle it alone, keep in mind, the benefits are worth it. When you quit smoking, you will live a more healthy life, be more energetic and productive.